Congratulations to Jonny Flynn, picked 6th overall by the Minnesota Timberwolves. Congratulations to Jonny. Sadly he will not be heading to his favorite team the New York Knicks who had the 8th overall pick and selected Jordan Hill from Arizona. After all, Flynn plays some of his best ball in Madison Square Garden. Either way, Flynn will most likely be hung on by Minnesota, and Ricky Rubio, picked just before him, will most likely be used to get some other quality player to help rebuild the franchise. Flynn is a strong leader on the floor, can finish despite being undersized, and will be a good addition to Minnesota.
Other Big East selections in the NBA Draft were:
First Round
#2 Hasheem Thabeet (Connecticut) to Memphis
#11 Terrence Williams (Louisville) to New Jersey
#14 Earl Clark (Louisville) to Phoenix
Second Round
#3 (33) Dante Cunningham (Villanova) to Portland via the LA Clippers
#5 (35) DaJuan Summers (Georgetown) to Detroit via Minnesota
#6 (36) Sam Young (Pittsburgh) to Memphis
#7 (37) DeJuan Blair (Pittsburgh) to San Antonio via Golden State through Phoenix
#22 (52) AJ Price (Connecticut) to Indiana via Dallas
Paul Harris and Eric Devendorf were not selected in the first two rounds of this year’s NBA Draft. There was talk of Paul Harris possibly impressing enough that people might have taken him in the second round but it was not to be, as once again several surely overrated international players were taken in this draft (13 total). Maybe we’ll see two or three in the league, but not 13. Either way, there was a fairly strong showing from the Big East in this year’s draft. Now some analysis.
Hasheem Thabeet is a good defender and a great shot blocker. But unlike what Jay Bilas (whom I usually respect) said on the draft, he does foul. A lot. Even if they are not called every time. He should have fouled out of several more games than he did this past season, and should have found out after about 2 overtimes in the epic Syracuse game in MSG. While he will fit in nicely in Memphis, he does not deserve the dap he's getting lately.
Nice to see the fine folks from Louisville be rewarded with two first round picks after a nice season and a good run in the NCAA Tournament.
Best value picks in the draft; Dante Cunningham at 33 and DeJuan Blair at 37. DeJuan Blair is one of the best rebounders in the draft and was a steal for San Antonio at 37. DaJuan Summers (how did anyone from a terrible G’town team make it) is also a great value to Detroit at 35.
AJ Price squeaked in and may not make the Indiana team as they already have Jarrett Jack on the team. However he could re-sign thereby making AJ hit the bricks. Price isn’t that remarkable for a point guard and they got their marquee player in the first round with Tyler Hansbrough.
So that was the draft. No liveblog this year. Again. Sorry about that, but I wasn’t going to sit through five plus hours of coverage this year. Maybe next time. Either way, in summary the Big East is awesome, European players are overrated, and UConn… U SUCK!
Other Big East selections in the NBA Draft were:
First Round
#2 Hasheem Thabeet (Connecticut) to Memphis
#11 Terrence Williams (Louisville) to New Jersey
#14 Earl Clark (Louisville) to Phoenix
Second Round
#3 (33) Dante Cunningham (Villanova) to Portland via the LA Clippers
#5 (35) DaJuan Summers (Georgetown) to Detroit via Minnesota
#6 (36) Sam Young (Pittsburgh) to Memphis
#7 (37) DeJuan Blair (Pittsburgh) to San Antonio via Golden State through Phoenix
#22 (52) AJ Price (Connecticut) to Indiana via Dallas
Paul Harris and Eric Devendorf were not selected in the first two rounds of this year’s NBA Draft. There was talk of Paul Harris possibly impressing enough that people might have taken him in the second round but it was not to be, as once again several surely overrated international players were taken in this draft (13 total). Maybe we’ll see two or three in the league, but not 13. Either way, there was a fairly strong showing from the Big East in this year’s draft. Now some analysis.
Hasheem Thabeet is a good defender and a great shot blocker. But unlike what Jay Bilas (whom I usually respect) said on the draft, he does foul. A lot. Even if they are not called every time. He should have fouled out of several more games than he did this past season, and should have found out after about 2 overtimes in the epic Syracuse game in MSG. While he will fit in nicely in Memphis, he does not deserve the dap he's getting lately.
Nice to see the fine folks from Louisville be rewarded with two first round picks after a nice season and a good run in the NCAA Tournament.
Best value picks in the draft; Dante Cunningham at 33 and DeJuan Blair at 37. DeJuan Blair is one of the best rebounders in the draft and was a steal for San Antonio at 37. DaJuan Summers (how did anyone from a terrible G’town team make it) is also a great value to Detroit at 35.
AJ Price squeaked in and may not make the Indiana team as they already have Jarrett Jack on the team. However he could re-sign thereby making AJ hit the bricks. Price isn’t that remarkable for a point guard and they got their marquee player in the first round with Tyler Hansbrough.
So that was the draft. No liveblog this year. Again. Sorry about that, but I wasn’t going to sit through five plus hours of coverage this year. Maybe next time. Either way, in summary the Big East is awesome, European players are overrated, and UConn… U SUCK!
Labels: Basketball, Big East, NBA Draft, Other Conferences Are Inferior, Unprompted Hatred

Well it has finally happened. After weeks of back and forth Sean of Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician he has finally podcasted for the first time and I was his guest for all 44 (obviously) minutes of it. Hopefully it will be a regular weekly feature between us, much like our questions and answer. Head on over to Nunes/Magician and hear Sean and I banter about several topics worth your listening attention. If you like Syracuse that is. Check out Troy Nunes Is An Absolute Podcast 1.0 here.
Labels: Audio Euphoria, Basketball, Big East, Football, Lacrosse, Nunes/Magician

Do you believe this nonsense? I was grocery shopping after review class the other day and I happened to spot this on the shelf. I bet if I consumed this I would have a seizure because my body would reject it. Anyway, the reason I post is three fold. First, the above idiocy.
Next, the fine Penn State Football blog Zombie Nation once again asked me to provide a Syracuse voice for his preseason Syracuse/Penn State preview. It’s a good look at Penn State and how they will view the upcoming match, along with some insight from me. You can find that post right here.
Finally, I just wanted to give you the lowdown on what will be occurring on this blog for the next few months. As many of you know I graduated law school this past May, therefore the next logical step is taking a bar exam in July. Therefore I am in intense review for that event which leaves little time for blogging. So for the rest of summer until August there will be no more frequent posts than around once a week. They will cover any earth shattering or exceptionally newsworthy events that happen between now and football season. In August and September I will bring back my Big East Prospectus, giving the lowdown on each Big East team. Until then, it will be few and far between. Look for some collaborations between myself and Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician here and there in various ways as well. But really it will be a quiet summer like last year. File your grievances with the e-mail address at the top right. Until next time, enjoy your summer if you can. Unlike me.
Next, the fine Penn State Football blog Zombie Nation once again asked me to provide a Syracuse voice for his preseason Syracuse/Penn State preview. It’s a good look at Penn State and how they will view the upcoming match, along with some insight from me. You can find that post right here.
Finally, I just wanted to give you the lowdown on what will be occurring on this blog for the next few months. As many of you know I graduated law school this past May, therefore the next logical step is taking a bar exam in July. Therefore I am in intense review for that event which leaves little time for blogging. So for the rest of summer until August there will be no more frequent posts than around once a week. They will cover any earth shattering or exceptionally newsworthy events that happen between now and football season. In August and September I will bring back my Big East Prospectus, giving the lowdown on each Big East team. Until then, it will be few and far between. Look for some collaborations between myself and Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician here and there in various ways as well. But really it will be a quiet summer like last year. File your grievances with the e-mail address at the top right. Until next time, enjoy your summer if you can. Unlike me.
Labels: Blog Talk, Chill Out Already, Football, UConn, Unprompted Hatred
It was only two weeks ago Syracuse won a record 11th National Championship. Some would say tenth, but even the NCAA is selling shirts that say 11 so we’re going with that. As promised I would have the mega awesome recap. Uniquely however, rather than boiling down the Final Four in my usual prose and text written in this space here (you can read my Final Four and Championship recaps), I bring it to you in living video and in pictures. We start with the recap from the people that brought you the games; ESPN. From SU Alumnus Dave Ryan and Quint Kessenich, they called another Final Four in the booth together and bring you the official recap.
Next, we hit the Youtubes to see some compiled game footage, as the miracle actually happened.
Then the fine folks at Inside Lacrosse got a camera in the hands of injured player Spencer Van Shaak to give you a behind the scenes look at the team.
The IL folks obviously had the access, so they got some great interviews of players. Be sure to check out the end of Jovan Miller’s interview. He throws some trash talk Quint’s way.
Finally, we have the official SU Athletics’ DOCTOR Gross Propaganda Machine Celebratory Video. Trademark pending. Highlighted by the inspirational ol’ ball coach, the legendary Roy Simmons II.
Check out my personal photograph album from the weekend right here. Feel free to log on and comment if we’re actually friends on Facebook. If you feel like reading a couple great articles, both from Syracuse Alumni, check out Dave Ryan's recap here, and a great article on the Syracuse Mystique from Inside Lacrosse Editor John Jiloty here. It was an epic weekend and the best 30 seconds of lacrosse I have ever been a witness to. It makes it all the better that it was for the National Championship. The epic and magical 11th National Championship, making Syracuse the definitive elite program of the last decade and of all time. If you aren’t into Syracuse Lacrosse what are you waiting for?
Oh, and one more time… The Glaude!
Next, we hit the Youtubes to see some compiled game footage, as the miracle actually happened.
Then the fine folks at Inside Lacrosse got a camera in the hands of injured player Spencer Van Shaak to give you a behind the scenes look at the team.
The IL folks obviously had the access, so they got some great interviews of players. Be sure to check out the end of Jovan Miller’s interview. He throws some trash talk Quint’s way.
Finally, we have the official SU Athletics’ DOCTOR Gross Propaganda Machine Celebratory Video. Trademark pending. Highlighted by the inspirational ol’ ball coach, the legendary Roy Simmons II.
Check out my personal photograph album from the weekend right here. Feel free to log on and comment if we’re actually friends on Facebook. If you feel like reading a couple great articles, both from Syracuse Alumni, check out Dave Ryan's recap here, and a great article on the Syracuse Mystique from Inside Lacrosse Editor John Jiloty here. It was an epic weekend and the best 30 seconds of lacrosse I have ever been a witness to. It makes it all the better that it was for the National Championship. The epic and magical 11th National Championship, making Syracuse the definitive elite program of the last decade and of all time. If you aren’t into Syracuse Lacrosse what are you waiting for?
Oh, and one more time… The Glaude!
Also, just to briefly change gears, NBC 3's Alex Dunbar did a great report on the progress of the Melo Center. Check that out here.
Labels: Brian Harrison's Terrific Travels, Congratulations Are In Order, Facebook Fun, Final Four, Lacrosse, Matt Glaude's Terrific Adventures, NCAA Tournament, Videos

Sean from Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician and I had another one of our now famous chats. This week we talk about that lax ending, a little football, a little basketball, and your new television options at 11:30pm.
1. Orange::44: Be honest, was that not the best lacrosse you've ever witnessed? I know lacrosse isn't your favorite sport, but this has to make every Syracuse fan a lax fan now right?
Nunes: Sadly I didn't get to watch the game live but I did watch my fair share of clips, especially the ending, and it was indeed one of the most exciting finishes I've ever seen. It was the SU lacrosse fan's equivalent of the SU-UConn game this past season...just one amazing, heart-stopping moment after another. I especially loved that feeling heading into overtime where you just KNEW Syracuse was going to win. If it were a video game, the momentum bar would have been so far in their favor it would have tipped over.
I love watching a great lacrosse game and I'm bummed I didn't get to see it live. And its a real shame for anyone who's a Syracuse fan that can't get into lacrosse, cause you are missing out on the one opportunity you have...for what might be a long celebrate something Syracuse is the very best at. There is no better lacrosse program in the nation. Not a discussion and not up for arguing. Five national titles in ten years. Drink it up, SU fans. Drink it up.
2. Orange::44: The staff at Inside Lacrosse has started calling the last 30 seconds of the National Championship the "Syracuse Scramble". Right on, or do you have another?
Nunes: I'll go with that. There's two kinds of acceptable ways to name famous plays or moments in sports. One is the iconic phrase that is a well-placed play on words or a generic describer that so completely embodies the moment that no one can possibly disagree about its value as the perfect description. Examples include The Immaculate Reception, The Hand of God goal, The Miracle on Ice and The Catch.
If a phrase doesn't present itself, then you have to include either the name of the winning team or work in something about the team, city, player or location to make it work. See The Music City Miracle, The Hail-Manning and, now, The Syracuse Scramble.
3. Orange::44: How do you see the Paulus QB situation playing out? Do you think he is going to contribute to the team, or will he ride the pine and get a free degree?
Nunes: Will Greg Paulus be our savior? Sorry to disappoint but no. So the sooner we accept that the sooner we can put him in perspective.
I do expect him to play. I won't be shocked if he beats out Nassib for the starting job and I won't be shocked if doesn't. But I will be surprised if he doesn't play at all. I don't think Doug Marrone is a pushover and he's under no obligation I can see to play Paulus. That said, I think there would be some level of "buyer's remorse" if we didn't at least give the guy a go.
Assuming he's NOT the starter against Minnesota, I think we'll still see him within the first couple games of the season. Especially if there's a blowout or two in there (Hi Penn State). From there, it's anybody's guess how this season unfolds at the QB spot and otherwise.
4. Orange::44: "Orange Pride" bit the dust recently. Do you like Marrone cleaning house or are there some things that he should think about keeping from that coach we don't mention?
Nunes: Should we keep anything from the Greg Robinson Era around? Absolutely not. What good came from that time in our lives? What positive method, motivational tool or experience could possibly be worth keeping around? I say take any last remnant, dump it in the middle of the Manley Parking Lot and burn it. Let God sneeze from all the smoke that rises his way.
(But yes, Greg was a really nice guy.)
5. Orange::44: It's a ways away, but what is the one thing you want to see next basketball season that you didn't this year?
Nunes: Other than the obvious (National Title), I'd love to see Syracuse dominate under the basket. I feel like it's been forever since we've been considered one of the more physical teams in the Big East. I'm looking at AO to step it up every single game because if he does he has the potential to be the dominant big man in the conference. All his biggest threats went pro. If he can improve and Rick Jackson improves, I think that's going to be the most satisfying part of SU's transition from the Flynn Era. And couple it with Wes Johnson's arrival and the Brandon Triche Experience and this team's got potential.
6. Orange::44: What was one yearly event held in Syracuse you always looked forward to?
Nunes: Tough question considering I don't attend any of them, but I think the first home football game of the season is the most exciting time of the year for me. Just knowing that college football is back and this game that we've spent months getting excited about is finally here. Of course, recent versions of this have ended up being extremely depressing affairs but that doesn't stop me from having the highest of hopes come September the following year.
Given that this is the beginning of a new era and all of the hope that comes with it, I expect this season's home opener against Minnesota to be an emotional affair, either way it turns out.
7. Orange::44: Finally, Conan O'Brien started doing his version of the Tonight Show this week. You trying to get tix or what?
Nunes: You know, I love Conan and try my best to check in when I can but I'm not really much of a late night watcher. For one thing, I'm an old fogie and usually in bed by the time he's on, even now. And also, I usually have other things I'd rather watch, like TIVO'd shows or a movie.
Nunes: Sadly I didn't get to watch the game live but I did watch my fair share of clips, especially the ending, and it was indeed one of the most exciting finishes I've ever seen. It was the SU lacrosse fan's equivalent of the SU-UConn game this past season...just one amazing, heart-stopping moment after another. I especially loved that feeling heading into overtime where you just KNEW Syracuse was going to win. If it were a video game, the momentum bar would have been so far in their favor it would have tipped over.
I love watching a great lacrosse game and I'm bummed I didn't get to see it live. And its a real shame for anyone who's a Syracuse fan that can't get into lacrosse, cause you are missing out on the one opportunity you have...for what might be a long celebrate something Syracuse is the very best at. There is no better lacrosse program in the nation. Not a discussion and not up for arguing. Five national titles in ten years. Drink it up, SU fans. Drink it up.
2. Orange::44: The staff at Inside Lacrosse has started calling the last 30 seconds of the National Championship the "Syracuse Scramble". Right on, or do you have another?
Nunes: I'll go with that. There's two kinds of acceptable ways to name famous plays or moments in sports. One is the iconic phrase that is a well-placed play on words or a generic describer that so completely embodies the moment that no one can possibly disagree about its value as the perfect description. Examples include The Immaculate Reception, The Hand of God goal, The Miracle on Ice and The Catch.
If a phrase doesn't present itself, then you have to include either the name of the winning team or work in something about the team, city, player or location to make it work. See The Music City Miracle, The Hail-Manning and, now, The Syracuse Scramble.
3. Orange::44: How do you see the Paulus QB situation playing out? Do you think he is going to contribute to the team, or will he ride the pine and get a free degree?
Nunes: Will Greg Paulus be our savior? Sorry to disappoint but no. So the sooner we accept that the sooner we can put him in perspective.
I do expect him to play. I won't be shocked if he beats out Nassib for the starting job and I won't be shocked if doesn't. But I will be surprised if he doesn't play at all. I don't think Doug Marrone is a pushover and he's under no obligation I can see to play Paulus. That said, I think there would be some level of "buyer's remorse" if we didn't at least give the guy a go.
Assuming he's NOT the starter against Minnesota, I think we'll still see him within the first couple games of the season. Especially if there's a blowout or two in there (Hi Penn State). From there, it's anybody's guess how this season unfolds at the QB spot and otherwise.
4. Orange::44: "Orange Pride" bit the dust recently. Do you like Marrone cleaning house or are there some things that he should think about keeping from that coach we don't mention?
Nunes: Should we keep anything from the Greg Robinson Era around? Absolutely not. What good came from that time in our lives? What positive method, motivational tool or experience could possibly be worth keeping around? I say take any last remnant, dump it in the middle of the Manley Parking Lot and burn it. Let God sneeze from all the smoke that rises his way.
(But yes, Greg was a really nice guy.)
5. Orange::44: It's a ways away, but what is the one thing you want to see next basketball season that you didn't this year?
Nunes: Other than the obvious (National Title), I'd love to see Syracuse dominate under the basket. I feel like it's been forever since we've been considered one of the more physical teams in the Big East. I'm looking at AO to step it up every single game because if he does he has the potential to be the dominant big man in the conference. All his biggest threats went pro. If he can improve and Rick Jackson improves, I think that's going to be the most satisfying part of SU's transition from the Flynn Era. And couple it with Wes Johnson's arrival and the Brandon Triche Experience and this team's got potential.
6. Orange::44: What was one yearly event held in Syracuse you always looked forward to?
Nunes: Tough question considering I don't attend any of them, but I think the first home football game of the season is the most exciting time of the year for me. Just knowing that college football is back and this game that we've spent months getting excited about is finally here. Of course, recent versions of this have ended up being extremely depressing affairs but that doesn't stop me from having the highest of hopes come September the following year.
Given that this is the beginning of a new era and all of the hope that comes with it, I expect this season's home opener against Minnesota to be an emotional affair, either way it turns out.
7. Orange::44: Finally, Conan O'Brien started doing his version of the Tonight Show this week. You trying to get tix or what?
Nunes: You know, I love Conan and try my best to check in when I can but I'm not really much of a late night watcher. For one thing, I'm an old fogie and usually in bed by the time he's on, even now. And also, I usually have other things I'd rather watch, like TIVO'd shows or a movie.
The show's taped up in Burbank which is a little bit of a hike for me. That's north of LA and I live on the southern tip of LA. And if you know anything about the city, it's that traffic is a mothertrucker. I avoid it like the plague.
I've been to the Jimmy Kimmel Show a couple times and had the pleasure of hanging out in the green room. It's food, all the guests are hanging out with you. It's a little weird though because it's like a little party where everyone is looking at you to make sure you're not famous so they can stop looking at you and find someone who is. Actually, I think that basically sums up LA.
I've been to the Jimmy Kimmel Show a couple times and had the pleasure of hanging out in the green room. It's food, all the guests are hanging out with you. It's a little weird though because it's like a little party where everyone is looking at you to make sure you're not famous so they can stop looking at you and find someone who is. Actually, I think that basically sums up LA.
Editor’s Note: This is another installment in the ongoing collaboration between Orange::44 and Nunes/Magician. Usually every other Wednesday Nunes::44 will appear here, while the following week Orange::44/Magician will appear on his site. Until then, enjoy excellent Nunes/Magician articles as always and stay tuned to Orange::44 for complete postgame coverage from every Syracuse game.
Labels: Basketball, Coaching News, Final Four, Football, Lacrosse, NCAA Tournament, Nunes/Magician