After lengthy discussions with Sean at Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician, he and I have decided to put on our usual Nunes::44 and Orange::44 is an Absolute Magician features on sabbatical for the immediate future. While we have not agreed on a return Tuesday as of yet, I would assume it would be in August just in time for the hot bed of football information to be roaring back at you via our blogs. I’ll have part three of the special three part review of the historic lacrosse season later this week, as well as a more regular writing schedule in short order. In the meantime… I’m having a great time working and not doing this thing. Screw you. Just kidding. I’ve just been busy so you’ll get more stuff coming soon. I swear. Until then, enjoy Nunes/Magician and the other fine Syracuse bloggers and I’ll be back soon. Do me a favor and don’t do this.

Labels: Chill Out Already, Nunes/Magician
God damn bloggers, think you can just do what you want, when you want.
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black Mr. "I have a wedding so I'll leave for 4 days only to have several catastrophic events for Syracuse occure".
What other fine Syracuse blogs are you referring to?
*jumping up and down and waving in back round*
Yes, you sir. In the back. At the Chief's game. You have something to add?